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Multi-Language Keyword Research


Keyword research is one of the core fundamentals of search marketing and of international SEO. The same principles apply to international keyword research as to when it is carried out for a single language such as U.S. English.  However, the following new challenges arise:


  • There are far fewer keyword research tools available in languages other than English


  • In some markets, only keywords from Google are available.


  • Countries and languages can be too small to register sufficient search volumes to appear in keyword tool databases.


  • A number of languages don't have 100% agreement on correct grammar and spellings.


  • Searchers will drop accents and space words differently to the formally agreed style.


  • If you're researching in a language you don't understand or, in the cases of Russian, Arabic and Far Eastern languages, in characters you can't read, it will be difficult to manage the research process. You'll need 'back translations' of keywords to enable the management team to understand what's going on. But you'll also need explanations for local teams who may have less understanding of 'search' - and these will often need to be in their mother tongue language for them to have confidence in the process.


  • Translating English keywords to derive keywords in another language is a common trap and produces disastrous results. Avoid this at all costs.


  • There may be difficulties in communicating - or even buying from - agencies located in local markets. Using multiple agencies also results in an inconsistent approach and variances in quality.



The solution is that you must use a mother-tongue speaker of the language to carry out the research (not someone who studied the language at school or night class) and who is ALSO trained in the requirements of search marketing to present the right findings.



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